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Category: Training

Posts related to training

Good Ending to a Rough Week

Week in Review Snapshot:

Mileage: 39 miles (Workouts 0.0, Long 12, Easy 15.4, Race Pace 13.1)

Coming off of a great 3 weeks of training including a PR during training on the half marathon as well a very scenic 12 miler through the countryside, I thought this week would be great. And I was wrong. I felt totally gassed on Monday and Tuesday morning and let myself rest and recover after the two long runs over the weekend. I got out Wednesday for a good easy run and was feeling good. I had planned on doing a workout and some more easy miles over the next two days followed by a half marathon effort on Saturday to end my week. Unfortunately, I went to a local Indian buffet for lunch on Wednesday and showed zero self-restraint.

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February Training Review 2/24/20

Snapshot: 145 miles in February, with 6 long runs (double digit miles), 8 easy runs, and one speed work out.

Hill Sign
Always a great feeling when you see this sign!

February has been the most productive training month I’ve had in the past 3 months and I’ve run almost everyday recently. I just hadn’t managed to run with much consistency in December and January, but it’s like something clicked when I ran the Groundhog Day 50K. Maybe sometimes you just need a spark to jump start your motivation and to remind you that you love to run. Before February 1st I had not gone over 20 miles since Tunnel Hill, so maybe breaking that barrier just served to show me that I still had it.

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Musings on the Main Street Hill

My First Hill and Speed workout since Tunnel Hill 100

I feel like I’m starting to get back in the groove of things lately. It seems like it’s been a while since I was able to string together a streak of runs like I have over the past two weeks, mostly due to the persistent pain I’ve been having in my left hamstring. It’s definitely not 100%, but it’s getting closer and I can now say that it isn’t really holding me back on the long runs or the faster runs. Mostly, it bothers me going up hills and when I spring into a sprint, which made Tuesday’s work out (Main Street Hill 2/18) a lot of fun.

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