My name is Paul Collins and I am just an ordinary guy who loves running ultra marathons. I work all day at a factory and have a wife and together we have two kids, who keep us on our toes. This isn’t a blog by a professional running guru to give you some esoteric insight into how you can achieve ultra running nirvana. I’m not going to tell you how you should train or what you should eat, because there’s a million people that have that all figured out already. And besides, the only person that is going to make you an ultra runner is you. I’m just a guy, who like most of us, fits running into his life.

This blog is called Every Ultra Day, not Every Day Ultra, because sometimes you can only run every other day, whether due to schedules, family responsibilities, or even injury and illness. After hurting my leg during a 100 miler, I desperately wanted to rush back into training, but physically I found that I really could only run about every other day. So I ran every other day. Just because circumstances in your life may prevent you from sticking exactly to a training plan or may prevent you from running as much as you like it doesn’t mean that you can’t do amazing things.

This blog follows my journey with ultra running and even I don’t know where it will go. I hope you are on your own ultra running journey, whether you haven’t run a 5K yet or you already have a closet full of belt buckles. Where ever you may be, I want you to know that there’s no reason you can’t be an ultra runner, even if that means you’re just an every ultra day type of ultra runner like me. Best of luck to you on your journey.